Dust off those banjos and get the tents ready!
Get some rest!
The 33rd annual Missouri River Bluegrass Festival is held at the beautiful Cross Ranch State Park outside Washburn, ND. This year features 5 amazing bluegrass bands from TN and ND. Ticket prices listed on flyer, but make note 16 and under are FREE.
Electric camping is available online and there is over-flow camping too. Shower houses and food trucks will be available.
There will be workshops on Saturday in the shop to learn 2 bluegrass songs with our headline bands: Kenny and Amanda Smith Band and the Waddington Brothers! Bring your instrument and sing with us.
This is a very family/friendly festival to encourage young families to come and bring their kiddos! Please be aware there are NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED IN THE FESTIVAL AREA. They can be beyond the fence-line on a leash. No smoking/alcohol in the festival area.
Our B.A.N.D. (Bluegrass Association of North Dakota) is so proud to be putting this on for our 33rd year. We are so grateful to our sponsors who help us to put this event on! Pack your lawn chair and some bug spray and even consider to volunteer at this event too! See you June 13-14th, 2025!!!!!!
Help us by working the ticket table, with recording sales or even just taking some posters around your community.